Murray Womans Club

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

June 2, 2005 Minutes Executive Board Meeting

The Executive Board of the Murray Woman’s Club held its first meeting of the club year 2005-2006 on June 2, 2005, at 6:30 p.m. at the Club House. Retiring board members and new board members were honored at the “Barbecue Picnic” which preceded the orientation session and brief business meeting.

President Pat Harrington presided at the orientation session. Incoming departmental officers were divided into small groups. These groups--chairman, vice-chairman, secretary, treasurer--provided opportunities for the women to ask questions about their responsibilities and to learn about procedures, which KFWC recommends. Facilitators for each small group were the current elected board officers.

At 7:30 p.m. the president turned the meeting over to Martha Joiner, second vice-president, who introduced the winners of the KFWC state awards for the Poetry/Short Story/Drama contests. Four students won awards: they were Dustin Bevil (Poetry, 3rd place), Nicoletta Pannunzio (Poetry, 3rd place), Ian Holmes (Poetry, 2nd place), and Callie Dowdy (Short Story/Poetry, 1st place). Parents and friends of the winners attended the ceremony.

Following the ceremony, the president returned to the orientation format and introduced Neva Grey Allbritten, parliamentarian, who presented a brief history of Murray Woman’s Club and anecdotes from her own experience.

As part of the orientation, two fundraising projects were discussed: the Tag Sale in September and the Kroger Gift Rebate Card. Tag Sale co-chairwomen Pat Miller and Belinda Wallis distributed information flyers and also sign-up sheets for volunteers. Kathy Stanfa, Finance Committee chair, discussed the Kroger Gift Card project and reported that most of the 100 cards purchased had already been sold.

At 8:40 p.m. the orientation session was concluded and the president called the business meeting to order. She stated that the minutes of the May 2005 meeting would be reviewed and approved by committee.

Pat Harrington, president, thanked the departments who had been hostesses for the General Meeting and reported that the out-of-town guests had expressed their appreciation for the hospitality accorded them. She stated that the awards
which MWC had won at the KFWC Convention had been announced at the May General Meeting.

Pat asked that the board take the opportunity to thank the managers at Amerihost for housing the KFWC president and also thank the owners of Mr. J's Limousine Service for providing limousine service for her.

Two other items of business were reported.
(1) Donna Herndon has been selected to represent MWC for the JENNIE award.
(2) The Secret Pal Program will be continued this year.
(3) MWC received a note from First District Governor Merryman Kemp thanking the Club for helping First District win an award.

Tracey Wortham, first vice-president, thanked the Zetas who served at the May General Meeting; Kappas (setting up/decorating downstairs); Creative Arts (setting up/decorating upstairs). She also thanked the Music Department Chorus for performing that evening.

Sheree Story, treasurer, reported a balance on hand of $---.

Advisory: Martha Crafton urged department chairs to remember that only regular meeting dates are placed on her Club House calendar. She reminded them that they need to make sure any special events (Ex. Holiday Bazaar, Breakfast with Santa, Fundraising Events) are cleared with her calendar because she does not continue reservations from year to year.

Martha also asked for assistance in planting the Triangle Garden and also flower beds at the Chamber of Commerce. Report for work at Triangle at 4:00 Tuesday, June 7; report at Chamber of Commerce Building at 4:00 Thursday, June 9.

Yearbook: Sally DuFord requested that all yearbook information be sent to her by June 15. She reported that only a few departments have sent her information at this time.

Membership: Sandra Whittenberg announced that a Patio Party will be held August 18 for prospective members. She will bring the invitations to the July Board Meeting.

The president displayed the tee shirt which First District members are buying to fund the Scholarship Program. The shirts need to be ordered at tonight’s meeting and will be available at the Summer Workshop on July 20.

Pat announced that the Summer Workshop will be held on July 20 at Reidland at the First Methodist Church building. Those who are planning to go should meet at 8:15 a.m. in the parking lot of the University Church of Christ (across from J. C. Penny and Kroger).

DATES TO REMEMBER: JULY MEETING WILL BE HELD JULY 11 at 6:30 p.m. Check your Agenda Sheet for other important dates.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Virginia Randolph, Recording Secretary


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