Murray Womans Club

Saturday, January 17, 2009

January's Executive Board Minutes

Minutes of the Executive Board Meeting
January 5, 2009

The Executive Board of the Murray Woman’s Club met on Monday, January 5, 2009.
President Cynthia Barnes called the meeting to order at 6:31 p.m. In the absence of the Recording Secretary, Martha Joiner called the roll. The departments not represented were Delta, Home, and Theta.

The Board then approved the minutes from the December 1, 2008, meeting without correction. Those minutes were filed for record.

The Corresponding Secretary read a thank-you note from the Veterans’ Hospital in Nashville. She also stated that a thank-you note had been sent to Jackie and Sue Vaughn from Murray Woman’s Club, thanking them for the $100 which they had donated to the Club from the jewelry sale.

Cynthia Barnes, president, reported on the following items of business:

1. Kroger Cards. New cards are now available.

2. Veterans’ Hospital Project. The president thanked Martha Crafton and Joanne Cavitt for taking the items to Veterans Hospital, as well as for sending article about the project to the local newspaper.

3. Sale of Cookbooks at Kroger. Apparently, there was no member was at Kroger to sell the books.

4. Lion’s Club Sound System Request. The request for secure storage for the system has been referred to the Advisory Council. No report from the Council regarding the issue has been made.

5. Honoring 50-Year Members. The president needs to receive names of the 50-year members from their department chairwomen immediately. Only one name has been turned in so far: that of Marjory Shown.

6. Special Collection for Merryman House. The MWC project for January and February will be collecting personal/toiletry items for Merryman House. These items can be collected at departmental meetings and then brought to the March Board meeting. Another option if for department chairwomen to deliver the items to the Domestic Violence Center.

7. Go Red for Women. February is Heart Month. Remind members to wear red on February 6. Announce it your January departmental meetings.

8. Club Historian. Lois Pharris has agreed to serve as Club Historian, a position requested by the state.

9. Fun Activities Chair. KFWC has requested that this position be added to each club. The president needs a volunteer. Please announce this at your January departmental meeting.

Bobbie Weatherly, first vice-president,thanked everyone for helping with the Christmas Open House,either by providing cookies, hosting, or decorating. She reported that several people had told her this Open House was the best one ever. She also stated that Lillian Robertson has asked club members to clean out their closets for clothes for the New Opportunity School. These items should be brought to the clubhouse as soon as possible, but no later than the end of February. The clothes can be for any season.

Judy Kelso, second vice-president, asked that department chairwomen remind their members to enter the poetry and short story contests. She would like entries from members. She has received all school entries. They will be sent to the Alpha Department for judging on January 17.

Cathy Pigg, treasurer, stated that she had received a check for $2091.83 from Regions Bank which replaces 7 previously not cashed dividend checks. A claim form will be filed for another dividend of $291.39 which had been escheated to the state. The treasurer also reported that she had received $1600 from the sale of cookbooks. Financial reports were distributed.

MOTION: Barbara Brandon moved that MWC give $1600 from the sale of the cookbooks to pay down the HVAC debt.
The motion was seconded and carried.

There were no departmental reports because the departments have not yet met.
Please Note: The president needs to have all outstanding monthly reports from the departments as soon as possible.


Advisory Tracey Wortham reminded the departments who decorated the Clubhouse to take down the decorations as soon as possible.

Civic/Recycling Lois Pharris presented the Recycling Report for 2008.


The Board decided that MWC Executive Board meetings will automatically be canceled whenever the city schools are out because of bad weather.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:10 p.m.


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