Murray Womans Club

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Novembers' Executive Board Meeting Minutes

Executive Board Meeting

November 2, 2009

The Executive Committee of the Murray Woman’s Club met on Monday, November 2,
2009. President Cynthia Barnes called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. and asked the recording secretary to call the roll. Twenty-three members were present, and all departments were represented.

The president asked for approval of the October 2009 minutes by committee.
The minutes were approved without correction and filed for record.


President Cynthia Barnes discussed the following items:
1. Shop and Share Event. No formal report was available. However, participants indicated they considered the contribution was better than last year.

2. Fall Conference. The attendance was lower than last year, but the luncheon fundraiser still showed a profit. First District Governor Pat Harrington presented a check for $___ to Treasurer Cathy Pigg.

3. KFWC Treasurer Nomination. Martha Crafton’s has been nominated by MWC to serve in this state position.

4. Monthly Reports. The president requested that all reports for this year be turned in at the December Board meeting.

5. Beehive. Please report any purchases (along with receipts) bought at the Fall Conference.

6. The president reminded department chairwomen that nominations for Club Woman of the Year, Volunteer of the Year, and Newcomer of the Year will be voted on at the December board meeting. Departments are to have
their candidate’s name and short biography of her ready to present at this time.

7. Christmas Party for Girls’ Home. The president asked for discussion.

MOTION: Kim Grasty moved that MWC have the Christmas Party with finger foods and $__-$__ gifts for the residents of the Girls’ Home at the December Board meeting. Party will begin at 5:30 p.m. with meeting to follow. The motion was seconded and approved.
NOTE: Cathy Pigg will get needed information about the number of girlsand sizes. Cynthia will e-mail the information to the Board.

8. LEADS candidate. Bobbie Weatherly was selected to be the candidate for MWC.

The president reminded board members of the Veterans’ Project donations.
November is collection month. All items should be given to Martha Crafton before the December board meeting. Take them to her home.

Bobbie Weatherly, first vice-president said that the Holiday Open House will be Sunday, December 6, from 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. Kappas will chair the committee. Sigmas will decorate upstairs and the side door; Home will
decorate downstairs. Each department should provide 3 dozen (NOTE: CHANGE FROM 4 DOZEN) cookies, already arranged on a plate. Label your plate. Make it one that is not a family heirloom.

Kathy Jo Stubblefied, second vice-president, distributed a handout which listed the Arts & Crafts winners for the First District Contest. All participants will receive a certificate. First, second, and third place
awards will be given out at the General Meeting in March, 2010. Rules for the Short Story/Poetry Contests have been e-mailed to department chairwomen. Submissions are due by January 4. Send directly to Kathy Jo or to your department chairwoman.

Cathy Pigg, treasurer, reported that Sigma Department has donated $___ to help pay off MWC’s loan. She stated that the Beginning Balance for October 2009 was $_____. Receipts for the month were $_____ and Disbursements were $_____, leaving an Ending Balance of $_____. The treasurer also reminded department chairwomen that some departments still owed their $__ for food costs at the Fall Conference. This money should be paid to Governor Harrington.

Additional Business:
The president called attention to the special event at the MWC Club House on Sunday, November 8, from Noon to 4:00 p.m. This event will feature women business owners and will also serve as a membership drive. Gay Evans needs a representative from each department for each hour of the event because MWC will also have a recruitment table.


Creative Arts
Their Bazaar on October 24 earned $1700 which will be used for their scholarship fund.

The department members are still selling PAN cookware and will have a table at the November 8 Club House event.

The women are collecting sox for the Veterans’ Project.

The members visited Glendale Place recently. Their Luncheon/Silent Auction will be held on November er 19 at 11:00 p.m. All are invited.

The department held a Pink Party to increase awareness of breast cancer. The Tour of Homes is scheduled for Sunday,December 13, from 1-4 p.m. Advance tickets may be purchased from any department member for $__.

The September meeting was a Potato Bar Fundraiser which earned $___. The amount will be divided between Relay for Life and the music contest and scholarship fund.

Breakfast with Santa will be held on December 12 from 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. Tickets will cost $__.

The department has two new members. They had a representative from Land Between the Lakes to speak at a department meeting recently.

The Zetas have bought a brick to held build Hospice House. Chairwoman Barbara Brandon was a guest recently on the Joe Pat James radio program. They have two prospective members.


Tracey Wortham had nothing to report on the MWC facility. She did encourage board members to invite to attend the November 8 event at the Club House and to encourage their department members to come.

Gale Vinson presented two activities which can be used at the departmental meetings.

NOTE: Martha Crafton still has a few Kroger Cards for sale.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m.


Silver Jewelry Sale Fundraiser Saturday,November 21, 9 a.m.-2 p.m.
Holiday Open House Sunday, December 6, 2 - 4 p.m.
December Executive Board Meeting Monday, December 7, 5:30 -8:00 p.m.
Breakfast With Santa Saturday,December 12, 9:30-11:30 a.m.
Tour of Homes Sunday, December 13


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