Murray Womans Club

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

August 1 2005 Minutes of Executive Board Meeting

August 1, 2005

The Executive Board of the Murray Woman’s Club met on Monday, August 1, 2005, at 6:30 p.m. President Pat Harrington called the meeting to order. Nineteen members were present, and all departments were represented.

The minutes of July 11, 2005, meeting were approved without correction and were filed for record.


Pat Harrington, president, encouraged participation in the Citizens Policy Academy and reminded members of the application deadline. Upon completion, participants receive a T-shirt and certificate. Contact Sgt. Jim Osborne, Murray City Police, to participate.

Pat announced that based on discussion with members, the membership profiles will not be used as a fundraiser. Instead, copies will be distributed to departments. Pat encouraged each chairman to proofread her department’s membership profiles and report errors.

Pat reported on events at the First District Summer Workshop. Barbara Brandon took the opportunity to announce that T-shirts are still for sale for $13 (or $15 for XX-Large) with proceeds going toward the First District Scholarship Fund.

Signup sheets were circulated for the Fall Conference on Wednesday, Oct. 19, at the Executive Inn, Paducah, and the Southeastern Regional Conference, Nov. 3-6, at the Radisson Hotel in Lexington.

Pat reported recent fundraising efforts including: (1) Kroger Cards, MWC received $---, 25 cards are still available; (2) The Apple, MWC received $---, owners have requested that MWC return and Kathy Stanfa will schedule; (3) Captain D’s, amount received will be adjusted due to the mix-up in July dates. In future Captain D’s rebate days (lunch and dinner) will be the 2nd Friday of every month; participants should tell the cashier they’re supporting MWC. July’s mix-up went toward a worthy club-supported cause (Merryman House).

WKMS Phon-a-thon will be September 19-22 and September 26-29 at 6:00-8:30 p.m. A sign-up sheet for four volunteers per night was circulated. MWC will earn $---.

Tracey Wortham, first vice-president, announced that the first General Club meeting will be Thursday, September 29, 2005 at 6:30 p.m. The guest speaker will be Judge and author Bill Cunningham. Hostess instructions for Music and Delta Departments will be supplied at the next Executive Board meeting.

Martha Joiner, second vice-president, reported that the rules for the Arts and Crafts contest will remain the same as last year. Copies will be made and distributed to department chairmen at the next Executive Board meeting. Martha must submit the names of entrants and categories by October 7, 2005.

Sheree Story, treasurer, reported a Balance on Hand July 1, 2005, of $---. Total Receipts for the month were $--- and Total Disbursements were $--- for a Balance on Hand July 31, 2005, of $----. Sheree reported updates on recent fundraising efforts totaling $----: Restaurant rebates ($---), Bakeless bake sale ($---), Jewelry sale ($----), phon-a-thon ($---), and Kroger ($----).

At this time, visitors David Foley and Bob McCallister made a request for assistance. The Vietnam Veteran’s Traveling Wall will be escorted to Murray on September 7, 2005; be set up on September 8, and be available for open public viewing September 9-14. Mr. Foley and Mr. McCallister requested that the club provide volunteers to serve as greeters September 9-14, 9:00am-noon and 1:00-4:00pm each day. Greeters should talk with visitors, man the donation box, collect visitors’ names, etc. They also requested that club members coordinate the provision of lunches for twelve per day (Sept. 9-14) through their churches.

MOTION: Sandra Whittenberg moved that the club supply volunteers and ensure that the requested lunches are provided. The motion was seconded by Joanna Adams and carried.

MOTION: Returning to the Officers Reports, Sheree Story moved that the club use the money earned through this year’s fundraisers to pay $--- on the bank renovation loan. The motion was seconded by Martha Crafton and carried.


Alpha Marlene Beach reported that the history books are being proofed.

Creative Arts Carolyn Farrell reported that work on the bazaar has begun.

Delta Martha Broach requested prayers for ill Deltas, Helen Foley and Betty Brockman.

Garden Joanna Adams stated that the department is continuing to weed, water and mulch flower beds (including the city park) and that an interview with the owners of the Yard of the Month will soon be appearing on TV.

Home Jackie Helm indicated that the department will hold a special organizational meeting

Kappa Belinda Wallis reported meeting to work on the Tour of Homes

Music Kay Ray reported that the department is ready to start the new year

Sigma Renee Buckingham provided volunteer names for the Tag Sale

Theta Becky Rutledge announced the department will continue to collect Campbell Soup labels and Box Tops for Education

Zeta Barbara Brandon announced the department has 6-7 potential new members


Advisory Martha Crafton reported that $--- last month and $--- tonight were given to the treasurer from clubhouse rentals. Martha requested notification if a department plans to change its meeting date so that she can check the master calendar for clubhouse availability.

Education Martha Crafton announced that the club would again be partnering with Murray Elementary School in the pursuit of a grant.

Recycling Lois Pharris announced the date of the next Make a Difference Day will be Saturday, August 6, 2005, 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

Finance Belinda Wallis, co-chair of the Tag/Consignment Sale committee, thanked chairmen for providing names of volunteers and indicated volunteers will be contacted to schedule work assignments. Please remind members to continue saving their items for the sale. The set-up time is TBD due to the conflict with Zeta’s meeting.

Membership Sandra Whittenberg handed out departmental assignments for the August 18, 2005, Patio Party. The set-up committee was asked to arrive at 5:00 p.m. During the party, each chairman will be asked highlight her department’s goals and activities for a brief 1.5 minute report. Chairmen were reminded to distribute invitations and have their invitees to the clubhouse for 7:00 p.m. Pat Harrington reported that the club must focus on recruiting and retaining members as membership is down to 244; 23 members were lost this past year.

Secret Pals Pat Harrington distributed envelopes containing the profile sheet of each Executive Board member’s 2005-06 Secret Pal. Secret Pals may be sent birthday cards, anniversary cards, holiday cards, etc.

Yearbook Sally DuFord reported that the yearbooks are at the printers and should be ready for August 22.

DATES TO REMEMBER: The next Executive Board Meeting will be held on August 29 at 6:30 p.m. The meeting has been moved forward due to the Labor Day holiday. Check your Agenda Sheet for other important dates.

Meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Tracey Wortham, First Vice President