Murray Womans Club

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

June 4, 2007Executive Board Minutes

Murray Woman's Club
Executive Board Meeting
June 4, 2007

In the absence of Virginia Randolph, Recording Secretary, Martha Joiner, Corresponding Secretary checked the roll. All Departments were represented. Jackie Helm, Second Vice President was absent.

The minutes of the April Board meeting were approved.

The Department Officer Training Session will be held on Monday, June 4 at 6:00 p.m. at the clubhouse before the Executive Board Meeting. All incoming Department officers should attend especially Department chairs and treasurers. The Executive Board meeting will convene after the training sessions

All 2007-2008 Yearbook Information is to be emailed or sent to Sondra Rice by May 31 to be included in the new yearbook.

Again this year, Murray had a successful year with many awards being received at State Convention. Not only was the convention enjoyable, Murray took home 12 first, 5 second and 1 third place awards in addition to being named a 110% club and receiving the Press book sweepstakes award. Murray also received 4 arts and crafts awards and 4 literature awards. A list of the awards was given to each chairman to pass on to their departments. The entries from Karen Olson, first place photography winner and Joey Scaggs and Lauren Edminister, first place poetry winners will go to the GFWC Convention in June in Philadelphia to be judged.

Thanks were given to the Executive Board for providing the Family Literacy dinner in April. The Garden Department will be providing the dinner for May.

Gale stated that the May General Meeting would be held May 24 at 6:00. This is our annual memorial service and potluck dinner. We have 5 members who passed away this year. The families have been notified. After the chorus sings, we will go downstairs for dinner. Martha Crafton, our own First District Governor, will be the speaker. The Music Department will be responsible for decorating the upstairs and the Delta Department will be responsible for decorating the downstairs. The Hostesses will be the Home Department. That night the drawing will be held for free membership for the next club year.

Under the Departmental reports:
Alpha, - Trish Barton stated they will be awarding an educational scholarship to a local student from the money received from their historical books. She will report on this and plans for their Poetry and Essay Contest at the next Board Meeting. They also have 3 new members.
Theta - Donated to project graduation for Murray High and Calloway County High Schools. Will
be giving a 4-H camp scholarship.
Zeta - Held a bakeless bake sale and made $_. Also gave donation to project graduation for Murray High and Calloway County High Schools. They will also be giving a donation towards the clubhouse loan.
Barbara Brandon made a motion that the club reimburse Martha Crafton in the amount of $_ for the hotel rooms at the convention. Neva Gray seconded and the motion was approved.

Gale stated that Make a Difference Day will be May 19.

There are extra glasses from the centennial and they will be for sale for $5.00 each for those who want to purchase them. Money is to be turned in to Cathy.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Martha A. Joiner,
Acting Recording Secretary