Murray Womans Club

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

April 3, 2006 Minutes of Executive Board Meeting

Minutes of the Executive Board
April 3,2006

The Executive Board of the Murray Woman’s Club met on April 3, 2006. The president called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. and introduced a special speaker, Tory Daughrity. Tory is the new director of the Calloway County Red Cross. She explained funding problems which the American Red Cross here faces and asked that the organization be allowed to use the Club House “rent free” for a fundraiser.

MOTION: Barbara Brandon moved that MWC cosponsor the planned tea with the American Red Cross so that the Club House can be used “rent free” and that the Club pay Dimple’s fee, as well. The motion was seconded and carried.

Tory will contact either Martha Crafton or Pat Harrington to confirm a date for the event. In closing, she suggested that she would like for MWC to have a representative on the local Red Cross Board.

Following the presentation, the secretary called the roll. Eighteen board members were present with all departments, except Theta, represented. The minutes for the March 6,2006, meeting were approved and filed for record.

Pat Harrington, president, reported on the following business items:
1. KFWC state convention participants will meet immediately after tonight’s adjournment.
2. MWC will receive $400 for help with WKMS Phone-a-thon.
3. White sox and paperback books for the Veterans’ Project need to be brought to the Club House by May 1. NOTE: The Zeta Department will be working with Wal-Mart to get white underwear donated.
4. Chairwomen will ask for a volunteer to serve on the Calloway Red Cross Board, instead of an appointed Executive Board member serving.
5. Election of Executive Board for 2006-2007 at March General Meeting:
Tracey Wortham, president; Marilyn Chatman, first vice-president; Jackie Helm, second vice-president; Virginia Randolph, recording secretary; Cathy Pigg, treasurer.
6. Training for departmental officers will be held in June. Chairs should insist that ALL the elected officers attend this session. Special emphasis will be given to the responsibilities of a department treasurer.

The president stated that Kelly Johanna’s daughter could not be sponsored by MWC because Childreach is no longer serving Columbia. She asked for suggestions for a new project.

MOTION: Martha Crafton moved that the decision on Childreach be tabled until the June 2006 Board meeting. The motion was seconded and carried.

Pat noted that the last Board meeting for this Club year and asked if the group wished to have a dinner like last year? Consensus was to have a dinner.

The president stated that the apheresis equipment which was donated to Murray-Calloway County Hospital several years ago, with the help of MWC, no longer serves the needs of patients here. However, a hospital representative stated that Lourdes Hospital in Paducah will be able to use it. The Executive Committee voted to donate the machine to Lourdes.

She announced that the lost MWC Club books have been found and returned to the Murray State University Special Collections Library.

Tracey Wortham, first vice-president, thanked the Creative Arts and Kappa Departments hosting the March General Meeting. She added that the next General Meeting will be May 25 and Alpha Department will host the Salad Supper at 6:30 p.m. Zeta will decorate upstairs, and Garden will decorate downstairs. Since this is the annual Memorial meeting, she needs to receive the names of department members who have died since May 1, 2005.

Martha Joiner, second vice-president, shared statements of appreciation to MWC from parents at the Awards ceremonies of the General Meeting.

Sheree Story, treasurer, reported a Balance on Hand March 1, 2006, of $---. Receipts for March were $--- and Disbursements were $--- for a Balance on Hand March 31, 2006, of $---. She noted that some bills for the current year are still out.


Creative Arts: The group went to the Murray Art Guild.
Delta: The group has three new members. The department donated $25 to the Red Cross and is now selling Christmas Club House ornaments to sponsor a child at Cancer Camp.
Home: The department donated $50 to KET, $25 to both Murray and Calloway County High Schools for Project Graduation, $100 to the Music Department’s “Relay for Life” team. The next meeting is a “Dress Up and Tea Party.”
Kappa: The “Evening of Chocolate Delight” will be April 27 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Music: The department’s music contest will be April 18 at 6:30 p.m. A “Spring Sing” (with dinner) fund raiser will be held on May 16 at 6:30 p.m. Everyone invited. Also, the “Relay for Life” team will have a bake sale on Saturday morning April 15, in front of Kroger.
Sigma: The Sigma and Delta departments will coordinate arrangements for the desserts for Hospice fund raiser.
Zeta: The department bought 8 Christmas (Club House) ornaments to present to their honorary members.


Advisory Martha Crafton reported that Club House rentals are going well. She also reminded the board of the Spring Silver Jewelry Sale, which serves as a fund raiser, on April 22 at the Club House from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m.

Legislative Martha Yeserski discussed the Candidates’ Forum which is scheduled for May 4 at 7 p.m. Each department should send a member to act as “hostess.” These women should be at the Club House by 6 p.m.

Finance Kathy Stanfa reported on the “Heritage Ball” plans. She requested an advance of money to pay for necessary purchases and to pay deposits.

MOTION: Barbara Brandon moved that the sum of $--- be advanced to the Finance Committee for preliminary expenses and that the money be deposited in an account designated by that Committee.

The motion was seconded and carried.

The Board decided to have a dinner for the May Board meeting. The meal will be provided by the caterer used for the past Christmas dinner.

Remember to review the Agenda sheet for coming events.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectively submitted,

Virginia Randolph, Recording Secretary