Murray Womans Club

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Minutes of the Executive Board
March 6, 2006

The Executive Board of the Murray Woman’s Club met on March 6, 2006. The president called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. and requested that the Recording Secretary read the Roll Call. Nineteen board members and one guest, Marilyn Chatman, were present. All departments except Creative Arts were represented.

After the two corrections had been issued by the recording secretary, the minutes of the February 6, 2006, meeting were approved. [Note: These corrections were sent out by e-mail following the distribution of the first draft of minutes. Printed copies which were mailed later had already been corrected.vr] The minutes were filed for record.


Pat Harrington, president, announced the dates of April 19-21 for the state convention in Louisville. Materials and a sign-up sheet were distributed. Martha Crafton reported that the chorus of the MWC Music Department has been invited to sing at the formal dinner on Friday, April 21 but that KFWC had not provided any funding for travel and food.

MOTION: Martha Crafton moved that MWC provide $10 to each chorus member attending to defray the cost of the meal, as well as pay for a rental van for transportation.

The motion was seconded but after discussion it was amended and then withdrawn.

MOTION: Sheree Story moved that MWC pay the cost for a rental van, as well as pay for the gasoline for those going in private cars. She also moved that MWC pay the cost of the evening meal for those chorus members who are making the special trip to sing for the dinner. The motion was seconded and carried.

Pat introduced Martha Yezerski, the new Legislative Chairperson. Martha stated that the Legislative Forum shall be held at the Club House on May 4 at 7 p.m. She asked that each department provide two (2) hostesses to assist her that evening. Hostesses/greeters should arrive at the Club House by 6:00 p.m.

The president added no one from the VFW has contacted her since requesting that MWC members help with a political rally on April 19. She addressed the following issues:
1. WKMS Phon-A-Thon. At least two departments have elected to pay $40 in lieu of participating. This means that the other departments will be providing callers. The names of the volunteers should be forwarded to Pat or to Stephanie at WKMS. She mentioned that MWC has been invited to participate for additional days.
MOTION: Martha Joiner moved that MWC decline the offer of working an additional week for the Phon-A-Thon. The motion was seconded and carried.
2. Veterans’ Project. For the past two years MWC has participated in this project: the first year providing sox and last year providing cookies.
MOTION: Barbara Brandon moved that MWC collect white sox and paperback books for distribution at the Nashville Veterans’ hospital. The items should be brought to the Club House no later than the May Board meeting. The motion was seconded and carried.
NOTE: Martha Crafton volunteered to deliver the items to the Nashville hospital.
3. Kroger Cards. Pat reported that she had contacted the Kroger office about the problem of the cards not scanning. The Kroger officials suggested sending the problem cards to their Memphis office where they would be replaced (complete with the money value on the card) by a new card.
4. Press Book of 1940’s. The president has been contacted by a representative of MSU’s Pogue Library who told her that someone had checked out MWC Press Books and had not returned them. The discussion which followed questioned the existence of such press books for that date. Pat appointed Lois Pharris and Virginia Randolph to get more information on this issue.
5. Request from Calloway County student for assistance to attend a People to People Conference in Europe.
MOTION: Martha Crafton moved that MWC contribute $30 to the student for the program. The motion was seconded and carried.

Tracy Wortham, first vice-president, announced March 23 as the next General meeting. Since this meeting will feature the winners (and families) of both the Arts/Crafts contest and the Short Story/Poetry contest, she asked that each department bring three(3) dozen cookies which have already been arranged on trays to the Club House by 6 p.m. Creative Arts and Kappa departments will be the hostesses.

Tracy reminded the board that the yearly memorial service will be held in May and asked department chairs to help her ensure no name is overlooked.

Martha Joiner, second vice-president, stated that she will be taking the winning first-place entries of the contests to the KFWC spring meeting for judging.

Sheree Story, treasurer, reported a Beginning balance on February 1, 2006. of $___. Total Receipts were $___ and Total Disbursements were ___for a Balance on Hand for February 28, 2006, of $____. In a separate report, she stated that $___ had been earned through Fundraisers and that a payment of $___ had been made on the $___ loan.

Sheree suggested the possibility of MWC’s participation in a special project which paid $6 per hour. The president asked her to get more information.

Alpha The department is still selling Calloway County Pictorial Histories and Calloway County Family History books and is now involved in the “Reading Is Fundamental” project.

Delta The women are continuing to collect soft drink tabs for the Kids for Camp cancer project. Martha Broach stated that the department wished to accept an offer from the Chamber of Commerce to sell the MWC club house ornaments. She also reported that the Deltas plan to cease meeting after this year because of low attendance.

MOTION: Martha moved that the Deltas accept the Chamber’s offer to sell the MWC club house ornaments for $5 each, with $2.50 of each sale going to the Deltas. The motion was seconded and carried.

Garden The department recently elected officers for the coming year. One new member was added.

Home The department added one new member.

Kappa The Kappas donated $3000 from their “Tour of Homes” to the Hospice House project. The department will host the Evening of Chocolate Delight on April 27 from 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.

Music The Music Department will hold its fundraiser “Music Fest” on Tuesday,May 16, at 7 p.m. The music contests for the county schools will be held at the club house on April 18 at 6:30 p.m. In addition, the women will sponsor a “Relay for Life” team. To raise funds, the team is having a Bake Sale on Saturday, April 15, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. in front of Kroger. They will also be raffling items. The tickets are 2 for $1.

MOTION: Sandra Whittenberg moved that MWC donate $100 to the Music Department’s “Relay for Life Team.” The motion was seconded and passed.

Sigma The Sigmas have two new members. The department donated $100 to the Calloway County Red Cross and $50 each to Calloway County High School and Murray High School for their Project Graduation. In March they will hold a “Bakeless Bake Sale.’

Theta The department will present cash prizes to the first-place winners of the Short Story/Poetry contest. They will continue to accept orders for Stanley products.

Zeta The women have donated twenty stuffed animals to CASA. They recently elected the officers for next year.

MOTION: Sheree Story moved that MWC present Lee Hatcher (PC Doctor) a $25 gift certificate to Martha’s Restaurant for his assistance to the club. The motion was seconded and carried.


Advisory: Martha Crafton stated that MWC is doing a brisk business in the club house rental. She reminded the board about the approaching date for the Jewelry Sale and asked that they help publicize it. She needs someone to put up and remove the signs on the day of the sale.

Civic- Lois Pharris reported that March 25 will be the next “Make a Recycling Difference Day.” The time will be 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. They will accept computers for recycling.

Scholarship There have been two applicants for the First District Scholarship of over $1200: one from Murray and one from Lone Oak.

Finance The Heritage Ball is scheduled for November 18.


The Nominating Committee reported its slate of officers for 2006-2007:
President Tracy Wortham
First vice-president
Second vice-president Jackie Helm
Recording secretary Virginia Randolph
Treasurer Sheree Story

The committee recommended a change in the duties of the Recording Secretary which adds the responsibility of that officer to make deposits of funds for the Treasurer.


MOTION: Sandra Whittenberg moved that MWC donate $50 to KET. The motion was seconded and carried.

Dates to remember: General Meeting March 25 6:30 p.m.
Board Meeting April 3 6:30 p.m.
Check your agenda for other important dates.

Meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Virginia Randolph, Recording Secretary

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Feb.6, 2006 Minutes of Executive Board Meeting

Minutes of the Executive Board Meeting
February 6, 2006

The Executive Board of the Murray Woman’s Club met on February 6, 2006. The president called the meeting to order at 6:33 p.m. and turned the floor over to Barbara Brandon who introduced the guest speaker Lee Hatcher, the PC Doctor. Mr. Hatcher discussed the procedure for clearing computer hard drives, recommending that this process be completed before donating or discarding a computer. He further suggested that computer users should consider “burning back-up discs” to protect their information. Because these procedures are complicated, Mr. Hatcher will make available to the Board a document with instructions, which will be distributed at the next Board meeting. The president thanked Mr. Hatcher for his presentation.

With the departure of the guest speaker, the business meeting began with the roll call of Board members. Eighteen members were in attendance with all departments represented.


Sue White, corresponding secretary, read correspondence from Krysta Kaye, a former MWC Arts contest winner. The letter listed a web site ( where her artwork could be viewed.

Pat Harrington, president, asked for additions or corrections to the January 2006 minutes. No corrections were necessary. The minutes were approved and filed for record.

She recognized three guests from the Kappa Department who were present at the Board meeting: Linda LaRochelle, v-chair; Janet Henley, sec.; and Barbara Barnett, treas.

Pat reported that the annual reports have been completed and forwarded to KFWC, with the change of nominee for Newcomer of the Year. Careful checking showed that only one of the three nominees was eligible: Patsy Tracy. She thanked those board members who had assisted her. She also called attention to the fact that the incoming KFWC president has requested information on members who would be willing to assume a state chairmanship. Handouts were distributed.

The president announced new dates for the KFWC state convention: April 19-21. This change of convention dates will mean that MWC will need to change the date for the Legislative Forum. Barbara Brandon and Martha Yeserski (new chairwoman) will meet and propose the new date at the March meeting.

Other important items of business discussed by Pat were the following:
1. VFW political rally on April 15. The group has asked MWC for help with this project. They need ushers, timers, and servers for lunch. More information will be available at March meeting.
2. WKMS phone-a-thon.
MOTION: Marlene Beach moved that MWC participate in this phone-a-thon. The motion was seconded and carried.
3. Nominating Committee for 2006-2007 Officers. The following board members were selected:
Advisory Council Martha Crafton
Executive Committee Pat Harrington
MWC Department Marlene Beach
MWC Department Jackie Helm
Standing Committee Brenda Call
4. Updating Murray Woman’s Club history. The president appointed Lois Pharris and Neva Grey Allbritten to work on this project. Members were urged to send suggestions for celebrating the Club’s 100th Anniversary, which will be in 2007. Send suggestions to Pat or to Tracey Wortham. Discussion followed this proposal with Barbara Brandon suggesting that past presidents furnish a one-page summary of their department’s activities since the last MWC update. Another suggestion made was to publish an anniversary cookbook.

Pat addressed the problem of checks submitted to the treasurer failing to clear quickly. She asked that department treasurers and individual members write on the memo line of the check what it is for; e.g., Tag Sale. Also, the request was made that money and checks should not be given to the treasurer when she is at work. Sheree has asked that checks be sent to her at P.O. Box 162.

Because some members reported difficulty in adding money to the Kroger Cards, the president will get more information about the process from Kroger. Some cards will no longer scan so the clerk must punch in the numbers. Money can still be added to the card, and cards can be used for payment. The process is less convenient for the checkout person.

Other issues reported on by the president were the following:
1. Press Book. Dee Morgan has agreed to do the press book again this year, but the project needs additional funding.

MOTION: Martha Joiner moved that up to $300 be allotted for the Press Book Project. The motion was seconded and carried.


MOTION: Barbara Brandon moved that Murray Woman’s Club continue to sponsor a child and that the child be Kelly Johanna’s daughter. The motion was seconded and carried.

3. Murray State University has asked that the members of the Murray Murray Woman’s Club contact Melvin Henley and Ken Winters on behalf of funding for the University. These two legislators will be hold a forum on education on February 19, 3 p.m.- 5 p.m. at the public library.

4. Fundraisers. So far, over $ ___ has been raised.

Tracey Wortham, first vice-president, announced that the next General Club meeting will be on Thursday, March 30 at 6:30 p.m. Hostesses will be the Creative Arts and Kappa Departments. Each department needs to provide 3 dozen cookies (on trays) and have them at the building by 6 p.m.

Martha Joiner, second vice-president, stated that the entries for the Short Story/Poetry have been mailed. The Alpha Department read and judged the 89 entries. There were no entries from club women. The top three entries will be for this contest will be sent to KFWC to be judged at the Convention.

Sheree Story, treasurer, reported that the Balance on Hand February 1, 2006, was $___. She presented a check for $___ to Murray Woman’s Club on behalf of Wal-Mart.


Alpha: Members judged the literature entries. Made contributions to Reading Is Fundamental. They still have family history books for sale.
Creative Arts: Oil painting was featured at the January meeting. The department added a new member. They contributed $ ___ to Hospice Building Fund.
Home: Bob Valentine will be the speaker at their next meeting.
Kappa: The Evening of Chocolate Delight will be April 27.
Music: Eight members served as ushers for the Murray Civic Music Association’s Children’s Concert. Randall Black, Kim Black, and Marie Taylor were guest artists for the January meeting.
Sigma: The Department is now planning how to spend $___ earned by “Breakfast with Santa.”
Theta: A program on home protection and personal identity protection was presented by Sgt. Jim Osborne.
Zeta: Attorney Warren Hopkins presented a program on updating personal documents (will, Living Wills, Trusts, etc.) The department is collecting bears for CASA to use in helping children.

Advisory: Martha Crafton reported $___ in rentals and deposits. She also informed the Board about a major sewer blockage, which occurred during a recent wedding. The best information indicates that the pipe causing the problem is cover in the punch bowl cabinet. Therefore, the plumber installed a clean out value in the yard.
Scholarship: Two applications for scholarships have been received (1 sent to Barbara for MWC; 1 sent to the woman’s club at Hazel) More than $500 is available.
New By-laws for KFWC were read. Now there will be a $10 fee for new members.
MOTION: Barbara Brandon moved that our By-laws state the following: “There
shall be a $10 initiation fee for new members. Returning members shall be exempt from the $10 fee.” The motion was seconded and carried.
Sandra Whittenberg proposed that MWC have another membership party in April and that the club have a summer social in June or July. No action was taken on this proposal.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:16 p.m. The next Board meeting will be March 6. Check the Agenda for February for important dates to remember.

Respectfully submitted,
Virginia Randolph
Recording Secretary