Murray Womans Club

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Nov. 7, 2005 Minutes of Executive Board Meeting

November 7, 2005

The Executive Board of the Murray Woman’s Club met on November 5, 2005, at 6:30 p.m. In the absence of President Pat Harrington, Tracey Wortham served as acting president and called the meeting to order.

She introduced Christa Jennings and Paula Green from Family Life Medical and Prosthetics who discussed the importance of proper fitting prosthetics after breast surgery. The ladies also volunteered to present programs for any Murray Woman’s Club department in October of 2006.

Following the presentation, the secretary called the roll. Twenty board members were present, with all departments represented. The minutes of the October 2005 meeting were then approved and filed for record.

Tracey Wortham, acting president, reported that Pat Harrington was ill and unable to attend the meeting. She then discussed the following items of business:
1. Hospice and “The Way Home”
Several volunteers will be needed to fill 100 bags for Hospice. The play “The Way Home” will be presented November 13 at 2 p.m. at the Club House.

2. Holiday Haunted House volunteers were Cathy Pigg and Pat Harrington. Sherri Story purchased the candy for the event from Wal-Mart.

3. Fall Conference: Martha Crafton was elected governor for the First District. She will be planning the district meetings.

MOTION: Barbara Brandon moved that MWC host the Summer Workshop and also the First District Fall Conference at the Club House for the next two years if Martha so chooses.

The motion was seconded and carried.

4. SER. Eight members traveled to Lexington for this meeting. The MWC “Missing Links”(Joanne Cavitt, Martha Crafton, Ruth Eversmeyer, and Pat Miller entertained at the meeting.

(Note: The Board suggested sending pictures of the quartet with a write-up to the Kentucky Clubwoman.

5. December Board Meeting: Tracey asked if the board wished to have a Christmas dinner for this meeting.

MOTION: Martha Joiner moved that MWC Board have a catered dinner for the December 5 meeting.
The motion was seconded and approved.

MOTION: Martha Joiner moved that each board member bring a $5 wrapped children’s gift for Merryman House.

The motion was seconded. Discussion followed, and the motion was amended to read “each board member bring a $10 wrapped gift (marked “girl” or “boy”).

The amended motion was seconded and carried.

Tracey also announced the arrangements for the Holiday Open House on December 4 at the Club House. Each department should furnish 4 dozen cookies and have them at the Club House between 1-1:30 p.m. The Sigma Department will chair the hostess committee. Each department should provide 2 hostesses. The Zeta Department will decorate the side door and downstairs; the Home Department will decorate the front door and upstairs. The Music Department Chorus and the high school choruses will provide the entertainment.

Martha Joiner, second vice-president, reported that MWC had 4 first-place winners, 2 second-place winners, and 2 third-place winners at the Fall Conference Arts & Crafts competition. She added that there were fewer entries this year than in past years. She also reminded the department chairs to relay the deadline date of end of December for the Poetry/Short Story Contests to their members.

Sherri Story, treasurer, stated that the beginning balance on October 1, 2005, was $---. Total receipts were $--- for October, and total disbursements were $---. The balance on hand October 31, 2005, was $---


Alpha-- The Alpha Department will celebrate their 100th anniversary with a formal dinner Saturday, November 12, at 7 p.m.

Creative Arts-- The October Bazaar made over $1500 for the department.

Delta-- The department awarded its Nursing Scholarship recently. They also contributed to the Heart Walk. Martha Broach will be part of the group for the Hospice play “The Way Home.”

Garden-- Members planted pansies in the Triangle Park area.

Home-- Thursday, November 17, the department will have an auction/luncheon which is an Open Meeting. No reservations are necessary.

Kappa-- The department together with MWC collected $2000 for the Heart Walk. The Kappa “Tour of Homes” will be December 11. Tickets will be $7 in advance and $8 at the door. Proceeds will benefit Hospice.

Music-- The department raised $230 at the October meeting for the coming “Relay for Life.” Members of the chorus sang at the recent Heart Walk. The chorus will perform at the Holiday Open House. A current project is to contact former department members in a “Come On Back” campaign.

Sigma-- The “Breakfast with Santa” is scheduled for Saturday, December 10, from 9- 11:30 a.m. Admission price is $3 for adults and $5 for children.

Theta-- The department’s recent auction raised $215. Members participated in the WKMS Phon-a-thon and are still collecting Campbell’s soup labels and General Mills box tops for Education.

Zeta-- The department supported the “Rebate Day” at the Big Apple and` brought clothes for the New Opportunity School. Their next program will feature Holly from the Cherry Tree who will demonstrate decorating for Thanksgiving.


Advisory Martha Crafton reported that Hospice has asked that MWC donate the Club House for an event in April.

MOTION: Belinda moved that Hospice be permitted to use the Club House on April 26, rent free except for cleaning fee. Seconded
Discussion: Barbara Brandon stated that the Zetas would pay the cleaning fee.
Motion amended and carried.

New Opportunity School-- Several items of clothing have been taken to Mr. Postman to be packed and mailed.

MOTION: Sherri Story moved that MWC pay one-half the postage up to $50 for the shipping of clothing to New Opportunity School. The motion was seconded and carried.

Finance Kathy Stanfa reported that the Tag Sale brought in $2300. Plans are being made for other fundraisers. She asked for a list of committee members by department.

Alpha-Ruth Anderson; Kappa-Pat Miller; CA- Kay Ray; Music- Kathy Stanfa; Delta- Karen Olsen; Sigma- Sara Fineman; Garden- Sue White; Theta- Bess Kerlick; Home- Judy Stahler; Zeta- Dorothy Terry

Tracey asked that department chairs turn in their reports as soon as possible.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Virginia Randolph, Recording Secretary