Murray Womans Club

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

June 5, 2006 Minutes of Executive Board Meeting

Executive Board Meeting
June 5, 2006

The Executive Board of the Murray Woman’s Club met on Monday, June 5,2006. An orientation for departmental chairwoman, vice-chairwomen, secretaries, and treasurers was held prior to the Board meeting.

President Tracey Wortham called the business meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. and asked the recording secretary to call the roll. Eighteen members were in attendance, with all departments except Creative Arts represented. The minutes of the May 2006 Board meeting were approved and filed for record.

The president then introduced Jack Henshaw from Big Brothers/Big Sisters who discussed the organization, its services, and its needs. He thanked the Murray Woman’s Club for their past support and suggested that one way of continued support would be to form an MWC team for the next “Big Buddy” campaign and by individual contributions for this year’s campaign. In addition, he stressed that the organization still needs more volunteers and more funding.

Tracey Wortham, president, expressed appreciation to the following departments for their help with the May General Meeting: Alpha for hosting, Garden and Theta for decorating the Clubhouse, and the Music Department Chorus for their performance. She also thanked department chairs for encouraging their members to attend the meetings this past year. She announced that Joan Niffenegger, Music Department, won the drawing for a paid membership for the coming year. Tracey asked the Board if the drawing should be continued for 2006-2007.

MOTION: Barbara Brandon moved that the drawing for a paid membership should be continued for in 2006-2007 to encourage attendance at the General Meetings. The motion was seconded and carried.

The president reported on the following items of business:
1.Yearbook information-- department officers and committees; membership list; programs including the dates, times, speakers and titles, topics; hostesses--is due before June 20. This information should be sent to Sally Duford; check the Agenda or 2005-06 Yearbook for her e-mail and street addresses. Remember to add the addresses(e-mail and street), as well as the telephone numbers of all your members; and to make corrections.

2. MWC Centennial Anniversary. Marlene Beach will chair a planning committee for this occasion. Each department should have a representative on the committee. Submit names to the president by the July 10 Board meeting.

3. KFWC theme for 2006-2007. The federation president has chosen Faith, Love, and Hope as her theme and Eldercare, Diabetes, and Public Libraries for her special projects. Try to incorporate the theme and the projects into your departmental programs and/or projects, if possible.

4. CASA needs. CASA wishes to make scarves for the teddy bears which are given to the children it serves. Materials for the scarves should be taken to Merryman House or to the CASA offices (Michelle Gantt’s office across the street from the new judicial building).

5. Open House at Merryman Crisis Center. The event will be held on June 15, beginning at 1:30 p.m. and will include a tour of the new office building at 629 Broad Street. Call Pat Harrington or Tracey if you can provide a dessert. Bring desserts to the facility by noon.

6. American Red Cross Tea Party. MWC is partnering with the Calloway County Red Cross by providing the Clubhouse (for cleaning charge only) for this event on June 11. Tickets may be purchased for $25 at Vintage Rose or re- served by calling the Red Cross Office. Deadline is June 5.

Tracey reported to the Board that Pat Harrington’s mother-in-law had passed away and that the corresponding secretary had sent a card of condolence.

There were no reports from the first vice-president or the second vice-president.

Sheree Story, treasurer for 2004-2006, stated that she will present the 2005-2006 year’s financial report at the July meeting. At that time she will pass the treasurer’s duties to Cathy Pigg, treasurer for 2006-2007.

The president introduced Martha Crafton, who is the incoming governor of the First District of KFWC. Martha presented her theme for the coming year “A Rose for You,” and said that the rose symbolizes love, which ties in with the KFWC theme of “Faith, Love, and Hope.” Also, she announced that both the First District Summer Workshop and the Fall Conference will be held at the MWC Clubhouse. The Summer Workshop will be on August 2 from 9:00 a.m. until 2:30 p.m. Martha asked that a committee be formed to plan for the luncheon which will be a fund raiser for MWC. No date for the Fall Conference was announced.


Alpha Members are still working with the yearbook sales.

Home Members plan to continue the “New Opportunity “ clothing project. The board discussed the project and made the following suggestions: (1) that only clothing in good condition be accepted (2) that the clothing meet the standard for a business interview (3) and that the limit of $50 for packing/or mailing be observed. Several members made the suggestion that taking the clothing to Berea might be more economical. Also, other department chairs volunteered to help with the project.

At this point, Martha Crafton reported on the delivery of the sox, underwear, and books to the Veterans’ Hospital in Nashville. She stated that the staff was very appreciative of the clothing and books.

Martha also asked for volunteers to help plant flowers at the Triangle of 12th and Sycamore streets. The project will begin at 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, June 6.

Theta The department is still collecting Box Tops for Education and Campbell Soup Labels. They also sell Stanley products. The 4-H Club is the beneficiary of these ales.

Zeta The department has recently completed two projects: (1) collecting and sorting Wal-Mart clothing to take to the Family Resource Center at East Elementary School and (2) a “Bakeless Bake Sale” which raised $520. The proceeds from the “Bake Sale” have been donated to MWC for the Clubhouse renovation project.


Civic/ Recycling The next “Make a Difference Day” will be August 5.

New Business:

Pictures should be made of the women planting flowers in the Triangle so that a picture can be sent to the Ledger-Times for publication (and MWC’s Press Book). With no other business for consideration, the president adjourned the meeting at 7:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Virginia Randolph, Recording Secretary