Murray Womans Club

Friday, July 21, 2006

July 10, 2006 Minutes of Executive Board Meeting

Executive Board Meeting
July 10, 2006

The Executive Board of the Murray Woman’s met on July 10, 2006, for the regular July meeting whose date had been changed because of the July 4 holiday. President Tracey Wortham called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. and asked the recording secretary to call the roll. Nineteen members were present, with all departments represented. The minutes of the June 5, 2006, Board meeting were approved and filed for record.

The corresponding secretary, Martha Joiner, stated that a note of consolation had been sent to Joan Niffenegger on the death of her mother. The secretary then read two notes of appreciation from voting volunteers, thanking MWC for the snack bags.


Tracey Wortham, president, announced that the First District Summer Workshop will be held at the MWC Club House on Wednesday, August 2, 2006, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. She appointed a seven-person committee to work with her to make arrangements for the luncheon served that day. (Joanna Adams, Marlene Beach, Pat McMullin, Martha Joiner, Ve Severns, Gale Vinson). Five additional volunteers will be needed to serve as hostesses. The president circulated sign-up sheets, stating that 3 gallons each of sweetened and unsweetened tea will be needed.
She dealt with the following items of business:
1. WKMS Phonathon. WKMS has asked for MWC volunteers for a three-week campaign in September of 2006. Five workers will be needed each evening.
MOTION: Pat Harrington moved that Murray Woman’s Club provide volunteers for September 11-14 and September 18 - 21.
The motion was seconded and carried.

Tracey said that a schedule for workers will be distributed at the August Board meeting.

2. Centennial Committee: The president appoint a committee (Marlene Beach, chair; Neva Grey Allbritten, Barbara Brandon) to plan for the 2007 anniversary of founding of the Murray Woman’s Club. She asked that each department provide a representative to work with this committee. Department chairwomen should e-mail or call Tracey with the names.

Tracey also reported on two community events in which MWC participated.
1. Merryman Crisis Center’s Open House. An ample amount of food was provided by MWC members.
2. Freedom Fest. The Executive Committed approved a donation of $50 to sponsor a red wagon for the parade. These wagons will be given to the Santa Christmas project.

Gale Vinson, first vice-president, presented the information for the first two general meetings.
September SALAD SUPPER September 28 6:00 p.m. NOTE CHANGE OF TIME. HOSTESSES: Creative Arts &Sigma Departments

Christmas Open House December 3 2:00 p.m. Chair of Hostesses: Theta Department
Decorating upstairs and front door: Kappa Department; decorating side door and downstairs: Alpha Department.

Jackie Helm, second vice-president, said she was awaiting contest information from KFWC.
Cathy Pigg, treasurer, distributed the June financial statement. The beginning cash balance was $___. Receipts were $___ and Disbursements were $___. The ending cash balance on June 30 was $___. Sheree Story will present the 2005-2006 financial report at the August meeting.

Martha Crafton, First District Governor, reported that information materials for the coming year have not yet been received from the president of KFWC.

Alpha: Yearbook information turned in to Sally DuFord.
Creative Arts: Members are completing a cookbook that will be on sale at the Bazaar.
Delta: Members are still collecting aluminum tabs.
Garden: Yearbook information turned in.
Kappa: Members are working on December Tour of Homes.
Sigma: The department is working on increasing membership.
Theta: Members are still collecting Box Tops for Education and Campbell’s soup cans labels.
Zeta: Planning for next year’s program has been completed.
Home: The department will continue to take major responsibility for the “New Opportunity School “ project.

The Board again raised questions about selection and mailing of clothing. The president read from the recommendations made at the June 5, 2006, Board meeting. (See June Minutes page 3 Home) The decision was made for the Board to reassess the situation.

Advisory Pat Harrington, chair of the Advisory Committee, reported the current sound system is non-operational. She recommended that the Board discuss the possibility of either repairing or replacing the sound system.
MOTION: Pat moved that the sound system in the Club House should not be rented for weddings and that the current statements in the contract should be removed. The motion was seconded and carried.

MOTION: Martha Joiner moved that the current sound be repaired or replaced before the First District meeting in August 2006. The motion was seconded After discussion, the motion was withdrawn. Pat will present information about the sound system to the Advisory Council for review and approval.

She also reported on the continuing serious problems with the air conditioner on the third level of the Club House.

MOTION: Belinda Wallace moved that repairs be made as soon as possible to the system whatever it may cost. The motion was seconded and carried.

Pat recommended that a cleaning service be employed to thoroughly clean the Club House before the August 2, 2006 meeting.
MOTION: Martha Joiner moved that a cleaning service be employed to clean the Club House before the First District Workshop on August 2, 2006. The motion was seconded and carried.

Legislative Cynthia Barnes stated that October 30 will be the date for the Legislative Forum. She asked departmental chairs to give her the names of their Legislative representatives.

Recycling: The next “Make a Difference” day will be August 5.

Yearbook: Sally DuFord will be contacting departmental chairs to try to complete the information needed for the Yearbook.

Community Improvement: Martha Crafton, chair, called attention to the planting of the Triangle Beds at Sycamore and 12th Streets. She also mentioned appreciation expressed by the staff of the Veterans’ Hospital after receiving the sox, books, and underwear.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Virginia Randolph, Recording Secretary